Nurses are an Attorney's Best Ally to Success...

Find out how a legal nurse consultant can help you win more cases and save your firm time & money, all while customizing the work product directly attuned to your specific cases' needs


What can a Legal Nurse do for You?

Merit Review

Our services begin with an initial case screening. With an initial review, we can spot missing records, red flags & develop the next steps to move forward.

Fact Summary Report

The fact summary report lays out the arguments of liability & summarizes the facts of the case. Each report is custom to the attorney & case.

Possible Defenses

Nurses are natural critical thinkers, we often have to consider multiple facets at once. We identify possible defenses the opposing counsel might use against your client.


No copying & pasting here, each entry is critically analyzed by an experienced & highly trained nurse to make sure the info is truly relevant to the case.

Deposition Questions

Don't miss any critical questions before heading into deposition. We can help you develop concise questions that will win you cases.

Red Flags & Tampering

Nurses are accustomed to sorting through & viewing medical records - we are trained to identify signs of tampering & can help spot any red flags prior to going to trial.
Our custom Fact Summary Reports include an in-depth review of diagnosis', past medical history, & the connection between a claim & subsequent diagnosis to help you develop possible red flags and defenses

Did you know that a Nurse can be most impactful by working behind the scenes of a case???

Nurses excel at organization & understand the standards of care. We understand the medical jargon & can streamline medical information to suit your specific needs - defining medical terms, providing illustrations/pictures, or offering evidence-based research to better understand a client's claims.

How We Work


Let's chat about how Fine Print LNC can best serve your needs. Establishing a strong line of communication is important to us & so is delivering the specified work products you need.

Review & Cost Estimate

Send us all currently available records via Dropbox so we can begin our review. Within 48 hours, we will deliver a cost estimate for your specific needs as discussed during the consultation.

Contract & Retainer Fee

After establishing a cost & time estimate, we will deliver our contract via our client portal for your approval & signature. You can also pay the reainer fee via your private client dashboard.

Develop Work Product(s)

From reviewing the records for merit, establishing a medical chronology, or writing up a fact summary report - the work product you have always wanted (& needed) will be custom-created for you.

Delivery & Payment

As agreed upon in the contract, your work product(s) will be delivered to you on time and with a satisfaction guarantee. We can work with you on making your final payment through our client portal.

Guidelines for DME/IMEs


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974 E Stuart Ave Ste D #221   Galax, VA 24333
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